Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Toxic Leadership and Change Management - How to Spot it, Deal With it and Avoid It

Toxic leadership as a concept was coined by Marcia Lynn Whicker, in her book: "Toxic Leaders: When Organizations Go Bad". This is all about the abuse of power and its destructiveness.

This is bad enough in every day business, but for an organisation undergoing any form of change initiative it is potentially catastrophic. In change management terms, having anyone in a leadership or a management position in your organisation who displays these characteristics is like a poison that needs to be identified and eradicated at the earliest opportunity.

How To Time Management

In my experience and in my view, toxic leadership contaminates and infects an organisation beyond the immediate reach of the person creating it.

Marcia Lynn Whicker describes toxic leaders as "maladjusted, malcontent, and often malevolent, even malicious. They succeed by tearing others down. They glory in turf protection, fighting and controlling rather than uplifting followers."

In "Bad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters" [2004] - writer Barbara Kellerman suggests that toxic may manifest in seven different categories:

- Incompetence

- Rigidity

- Intemperance - lack of self-control

- Callousness

- Corruption

- Insularity

- Evil

Personal experience of surviving toxic leadership...

Personally, I have twice in my career had the misfortune of working for a toxic boss. These guys were terrible to work for and made people's lives an absolute misery.

In business terms their "games" were always counter productive as everyone expended far more energy in trying to pacify or avoid them than in undertaking productive useful work. Each time was a nightmare, because:

- These guys were bullies and like all bullies were fundamentally weak and insecure individuals.

- They led by "divide and rule" by setting people against each other.

- They lied and were duplicitous and untrustworthy in their dealings.

- They engendered a culture of fear and mistrust.

- The general atmosphere they created can best be described as evil because of its insidious nastiness and destructiveness.

Here are 3 of my best strategies for dealing with toxic leadership if you have the misfortune of working for a boss like that.

(1) Neutralize their assaults on you

Neutralize their assaults, or to [use a cricketing term] "dead bat" them, by never being seen to react to any of their games. Because, these people feed off of the negative energy they create - it energizes them - so a non-reaction to their games deprives them of energy. Or to put it another way, evil feeds off of evil!

(2) Always wait before responding

These toxic people thrive on the reactions that they create. I have always found it best to never ever respond immediately. I learned to wait until I had calmed down, and then acted from a calm rational position. So, recognise and allow for the fact that it may [depending on your temperament] take you 24-48 hours for your emotional and nervous system to recover and re-stabilize after you have been on the receiving end of one of their assaults.

(3) Respond factually, accurately and supportively.

I have always found that a factual, practical and supportive response makes it easier and [more likely] for them to make the "right" decisions for my areas of business responsibility. It might seem counter-intuitive to act supportively, but the fact is these are fundamentally weak people and responding in this manner addresses their areas of weakness and insecurity and thus goes to the root of their toxic behaviour.

Spotting toxic leadership amongst your subordinates

As a director of your business or organisation you are in the privileged position of being able to identify any areas of your organisation where toxic leadership may be manifesting and to be able to do something about it.

The best defense for a director is to pay close and regular attention to the culture[s] within your organisation. Undertake regular "cultural audits" of the divisions, departments and operating units and subsidiaries in your organisation and as part of that process, take the emotional temperature and assess the energy of the working environment in each operating unit.

This should be an integral part of the preliminary stages of planning any change initiative. The 70% failure rate of all change initiatives would suggest that you are facing enough difficulties without harboring the poisonous complications of toxic leadership within your organisation, and this issue is closely linked to the core reasons for this failure rate.

Toxic Leadership and Change Management - How to Spot it, Deal With it and Avoid It

For more on this: "Avoiding toxic leadership"

Equip yourself to avoid the 70% failure rate of all change initiatives with the "Practitioners' Masterclass - Leading your people through change, putting it all together and managing the whole messy business."

Stephen Warrilow, based in Bristol, works with companies across the UK providing specialist support to directors delivery significant change initiatives. Stephen has 25 years cross sector experience with 100+ companies in mid range corporate, larger SME and corporate environments.

Visit : Motivational Techniques The Global Marketing

How to Overcome Time Stress

Time stress is a major stress factor in everyday life. We need to meet deadlines in almost every aspect of our lives: from completing certain tasks in our work, catching a bus, to cooking our dinner. In contemporary living, in spite of the advancement of modern technology, we find ourselves having too much to cram into the twenty-four hours of a day.

Time stress is a major stress factor, detrimental to both physical and mental health. How can one overcome time stress?

How To Time Management

The solution is surprisingly quite simple: deliberate non-doing. Yes, you simply do nothing. It is just that simple!

Do not let the constrains of your life mold your time. To be able to do this, you need to change your perceptions of time.

Time is all in your mind - a result of your own thinking. Everybody has only twenty-four hours a day. Come to think of it, time is an equalizer of men. Do you really have more work that needs to be done than everyone else? Do you need to be a "thief of time" by sleeping much less than others so that you have more time than others to do what needs to be done?

Deliberate non-doing gives you a sense of inner calmness that enables you to re-consider the importance of doing only what is most important, to see in perspective what is most important in your life. Only when you start doing what is the most important to you, then you will begin to have enough time for everything. This may sound stranger than fiction, but this is the truth to overcome time stress.

This evening, when you get home, you may feel you are overwhelmed and pressed for time, such as there is a TV program that you want to watch, a dinner you need to cook for your family, some laundry you need to do, some phone calls you need to make, or your kids' homework you need to attend to.

At that very moment, when you think you are going to go crazy, stop short of doing anything - that is, do nothing! Be mindful of only that present moment. Live in the present moment. Sit down and meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes: you just sidestep the flow of time. If you don't know meditation techniques, just close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing; if thoughts come to your mind, do not deliberately dismiss them, but just continue to concentrate on your breathing.

After the meditation, you may have a totally different perspective of you needs and wants in life. If you have missed the TV show, so what? If you haven't made those phone calls, that is not the end of the world. If you haven't helped your kids with their homework, it doesn't mean they would never go to Harvard. What is most important to you is your inner calm, which is the absence of time stress. Maybe you have just avoided a heart attack due to time stress.

Remember, time stress occurs when you are spread too thin. So, prioritize and simplify your life. The first step to achieve this is deliberate non-doing amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

How to Overcome Time Stress

For more information on stress, go to Stephen Lau's web page: Anger and Stress Management []. Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher with books and websites on health, Chinese healing, eating disorders, golf, and money matters. Visit his most recent website: Are You Healthy? []

Recommend : Management Concept Style

Resume Writing - How to Create a Project Manager Resume

Project managers are highly sought after these days. Businesses find it more manageable when they break down work into projects. The cost and profitability of each project may then be easily monitored. So how do you come up with a killer resume for a project manager position?

Tip 1: Focus on the needs of the employer. What sort of projects will you be handling? What functions are involved? Be as specific as possible when answering these questions. What sort of tools (e.g. spreadsheets) will you be using to handle each specific function? You haven't began writing your resume yet, but it's useful to have such information at your finger tips.

How To Time Management

Tip 2: When you start writing your resume, you already know what you want to include in it. For example, if you have experiences working in similar projects, now is the time to flaunt your experience. You are focusing on "transferable experience". In other words, employers can expect you to start functioning right from the day you are hired instead of having to train you from the ground up.

Tip 3: Provide specific results. Results are very powerful. How valuable are you to your previous employers? Can you quantify the value that you bring to the table? For instance, the project you previously managed was successfully completed and you not only managed to stay within budget, but you managed to save the Company in excess of 0,000. That is a tangible result and employers are more likely to take notice of you as compared to those who claim that they have good communication skills.

Resume Writing - How to Create a Project Manager Resume

Wait! There is more!

Download Resume Writing Guide (How to Get Interviews with Effective Resume Writing) - Use this link for a special coupon code.

Create effective resumes with this Resume Writing Guide and have prospective employers call you up for interviews!

Visit : How to time management

How to Access the Computer Management Console Event Viewer in Microsoft Windows Vista

So your new computer is acting up and you want to find out why. Today, I will show you how to access your computer management logs and see what is going on behind the scenes of your operating system.

  1. Click on the start menu to the bottom left of your screen.

  2. Right-click on computer (a menu will now show up with several options)

  3. Left-click on Manage

  4. If UAC (User Account Control) is turned on, you will need to click Continue to allow Windows to access your computer management console

  5. You will now see the computer management console - double click on "System Tools" on the left of the management console

  6. Now double-click on "Event Viewer'

  7. Next, double-click on "Windows Logs"

  8. Finally, single-click on "System"

How To Time Management

In the middle of the computer management console, there is a list of events that can be sorted by date and time, level, source, event ID, or task category. Level gives you an idea of the severity of the event. There are going to be many events in the "Information" category. These events are just information on common tasks that are occurring behind the scenes. There are other events that are classified as "Warning" and have a yellow sign with an exclamation mark in the middle. There are yet other events in the "Error" category which have a circle with an exclamation mark.

Each event has a description of the event in the details field on the bottom portion of your screen. If you are having a particular issue, research the different events that hare happening in and around the time frame of when the issue at hand occurred. If you are unsure about what an event means, copy and paste the details into a search engine and see if you can find out some more information like that.

How to Access the Computer Management Console Event Viewer in Microsoft Windows Vista

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Related : Advertising Techniques

8 Steps to Improving Time Management Skills

Does your day get away from you and you can't figure out where the time went nor can you figure out why you did not get anything done? Does this happen day in and day out? Is this affecting your life at work or are there other areas being impacting with your inability to manage time? Are you late to appointments? Do you forget what you were supposed to do each day? Do you spend time trying to find things?

If you are answering yes to the above questions, it might be time to figure out what you can do to become a better manager of your time. There are eight easy steps you can use to take control of your time.

How To Time Management

1. Acknowledge that you have a problem

This is true for any behavior you want to change - acknowledging that a problem exists is the first step to changing behaviors. Many people use the excuse for lateness as, "I tried to get here on time, but..." followed by some excuse or story.

2. Deciding to Change is Important

Once you have acknowledged managing your time is an issue, the next step is deciding and wanting to change. This is a critical step. At many levels you know when something is working and you know when something is not working. Begin to set small, measurable goals about being on time. Example goals might be arriving at work on time for a week, then a month, etc. Or a sample goal might be to arrive at all of your scheduled appointments on time for a week, month, etc. Take baby steps.

3. Commit to Your Goals

It is not enough to create goals, it is just as important to commit and stick to the goals you create. Everyone knows it takes a minimum of 21 days to break a habit. Because you are making a commitment to break this habit, it will be important to stick to the goals for a minimum of 21 days and more.

4. Write a Daily List of Tasks

This is probably the easiest and simplest ways to manage time. Creating a to-do list that shows you what you are committed to that day gives you a visual of your day. Either put your list in the order of importance or after the list is created, write next to each task an "A" or "B" or "C" to signify the level of importance. Always tackle "A's" first.

5. Find and Use Good Tools for Time Management

There are so many great time management tools on the market - from simple to complex. The key is to find the tools that work well for you and that you will keep using. If you are not comfortable with an electronic device, use a simple planner book. Don't use a specific tool because someone else uses the tool - it might not match your personality.

6. No is an Answer

People get in the habit of telling everyone who asks us to do something, or take on another project - yes. Every time you say "yes" to someone that takes away time from your day and your life that you do not get back. Learning to say no will be critical in capturing the time you need to create the life you want. Learn to ask for help, delegate, and don't over-commit.

7. Getting Organized

Being organized is a key to managing time. When you are disorganized, time is wasted on finding things such as keys, glasses, misplaced documents, books, messages, etc. Being disorganized is a killer. Begin to create routines for putting things where they belong - have a place in your home where you put your keys every time, a place at work where documents are filed or stored, etc.

8. Think about Hiring a Professional

If the task of managing your time feels overwhelming and you can't get yourself started, you might consider hiring a professional to help you get through the initial challenges. You might also look to hire a professional to clean you house, or to do other tasks that don't make sense for you to be doing.

Time management is a learned skill. We all have the same 168 hours per week and the more effective we are in managing these hours, the more successful and productive our lives will be. Success in one area of your life breeds success in other areas of your life.

8 Steps to Improving Time Management Skills

Sonja Fullwood, author, life, health, and prosperity coach. Sonja brings a life-time of experience, knowledge, and accomplishments to her coaching business. Sonja is direct in her approach to coaching and holds people accountable for their actions and supports the greatness and potential in everyone. Visit my site at

See Also : The Global Marketing

How Time Metrics Contribute to Employee Productivity

Metrics, also called key performance indicators (KPIs), are designed for use as business metrics, implementation metrics, or as time metrics. These are tools widely used for assessing and evaluating the impact or effect of any project or activity to an employee's productivity. These metrics may be given different labels depending on how they are used and what they are meant to measure.

Metrics are generally considered to be most powerful and effective when they are used to measure desired business results. Management of organizations that are metrics-driven usually applies metrics in every functional unit -- from product development to marketing to sales and customer service. Recently, many business organizations have already seen the wisdom behind using metrics to assess employee performance and productivity.

How To Time Management

As many textbooks and management experts contend, the workforce of a company is its most valuable asset. This is because the success or failure of a company hinges on the amount of effort that employees exert as they perform the tasks expected of them. So, when employees are performing below standards, the company is not able to efficiently utilize its resources. This translates to waste, and as we all know, waste decreases profitability.

For this reason, many HR practitioners see the need to inculcate upon their employees good time management skills. When employees are able to effectively manage their time, they not only accomplish everything they need to do, but they will also cultivate a positive outlook of their jobs. What is even better is that good time management is also a solution to the problem of stress and burnout. In fact, time management and stress management are often addressed together because of their interrelatedness.

Obviously, time management is a skill that positively affects employee productivity. Good employee performance is often viewed as a manifestation of an employee's effectiveness in managing his or her time at work. To measure this aspect of performance, many companies make use of time-driven metrics. Naturally, these metrics would greatly depend on the nature and focus of the company's operation. In call centers, for example, some of their most critical metrics are average handle time, average hold time, arrival rate, and after call time. On the other hand, relevant metrics of time for sales and distribution firms include sales generated per hour, or sales contracts closed in a week.

Nevertheless, an important skill that employees should learn, regardless of the type and nature of the organization they belong to, is the skill of budgeting time. To do this, they should first define basic categories of time utilization according to the tasks they have to perform. Once these are defined, they can now decide how much of their time they will allocate for each task. By using this method, they will concentrate much of their efforts and resources on things that really matter. While time management is not a skill that employees would be able to learn and practice overnight, the regular use of time management tools will help accelerate this. Lastly, the integration of time metrics in employee performance evaluation will also reinforce the importance of acquiring this specific skill.

How Time Metrics Contribute to Employee Productivity

If you are interested in time metrics, check this web-site to learn more about time scorecard.

See Also : Management Concept Style The Global Marketing How to time management

Sales Management Training: How to Destroy Your Sales Quota in 5 Easy Steps

Here's some so great news for you: your potential customers have got too many additional vendors to buy from.

Your own sales team is usually way too savvy (as well as a little bit spoiled) too...they are simply a product of a "feel good" era of unlimited success.

How To Time Management

There are tons of solutions almost exactly like the ones you have which are simply a mouse click away. Even worse is that chances are your current product or service is likely bordering on a being a commodity!

Now in this kind of super competitive, price-driven business universe most of us reside in, precisely what can a sales manager do regarding this?

The vital thing you will need to try to is to decide on a strategic sales approach which optimizes your own sales results while maximizing and bettering your prospects satisfaction with your products or services.

Seems like a mouthful...but allow me to explain.

With information simply a mouse click away, if you sell a product to a person and they are unhappy with it, the swiftness which that knowledge will get passed from the let-down customer to a would-be client is faster than you can say "Follow me on Twitter"...

For that reason, your own sales team's sales tactics need to evolve with the times.

What your sales managers need to do is position your product or service under the ultra-high powered electron microscope of scrutiny and determine precisely what "features" of your products and services are TRULY better-quality than the competition.

Several examples are:

* Your expanded support is longer

* Your consumer support number is open a bit longer

* Your price is a little bit cheaper

* Your product or service saves office time because it delivers fewer errors when used

* Your replacement items are built with better quality material

When you figure out those 1 or 2 features you are genuinely outstanding at then implement the 5 key techniques to beating sales quota below:

1. Identify which of those "feature" distinctions between you and your competition are actually significant

2. Figure out precisely what the "benefit" of that particular feature is

3. Figure out the "benefit behind the benefit" of that benefit

4. Coach your salespeople on the correct way to articulate this "feature - benefit behind the benefit" tactic in a sales call

5. Settle back and enjoy your sales budgets getting blown out

In our next post we're going to train your sales managers specifically what questions they need to ask to complete #1 above, in addition to how to find out exactly what the "benefit behind the benefit" actually is.

Sales Management Training: How to Destroy Your Sales Quota in 5 Easy Steps

To learn more about sales management training, click here to get your choice of free sales management training courses.

My Links : Motivational Techniques Advertising Techniques The Global Marketing

How to Improve Working Capital Management

"Cash is the lifeblood of business" is an oft-repeated maxim amongst financial managers. Working capital management refers to the management of current or short-term assets and short-term liabilities. Components of short-term assets include inventories, loans and advances, debtors, investments and cash and bank balances. Short-term liabilities include creditors, trade advances, borrowings and provisions. The major emphasis is, however, on short-term assets, since short-term liabilities arise in the context of short-term assets. It is important that companies minimize risk by prudent working capital management.

What Affects Working Capital Management:

How To Time Management

o Organizations are generally focused on cash, accounts payable and supply chain issues. On the hand, external issues like the legal and business environment, or internal mechanisms like organization structure, information systems, can significantly impact working capital.

o Owing to market pressures, companies are led to paying a lot of attention to producing good quarterly results quarter after quarter. Undue focus on this may sometimes produce a flattering but inaccurate snapshot of working capital performance. This also happens in companies that have a marked seasonality of operations with working capital requirements varying widely from quarter to quarter.

Measures to Improve Working Capital Management:

o The essence of effective working capital management is proper cash flow forecasting. This should take into account the impact of unforeseen events, market cycles, loss of a prime customer and actions by competitors. The effect of unforeseen demands of working capital should be factored in.

o It pays to have contingency plans to tide over unexpected events. While market-leaders can manage uncertainty better, even other companies must have risk-management procedures. These must be based on objective and realistic view of the role of working capital.

o Addressing the issue of working capital on a corporate-wide basis has certain advantages. Cash generated at one location can well be utilized at another. For this to happen, information access, efficient banking channels, good linkages between production and billing, internal systems to move cash and good treasury practices should be in place.

o An innovative approach, combining operational and financial skills and an all-encompassing view of the company's operations will help in identifying and implementing strategies that generate short-term cash. This can be achieved by having the right set of executives who are responsible for setting targets and performance levels. They are then held accountable for delivering, encouraged to be enterprising and to act as change agents.

o Effective dispute management procedures in relation to customers will go along way in freeing up cash otherwise locked in due to disputes. It will also improve customer service and free up time for legitimate activities like sales, order entry and cash collection. Overall, efficiency will increase due to reduced operating costs.

o Collaborating with your customers instead of being focused only on own operations will also yield good results. If feasible, helping them to plan their inventory requirements efficiently to match your production with their consumption will help reduce inventory levels. This can be done with suppliers also.

Working capital management is an important yardstick to measure a company operational and financial efficiency. This aspect must form part of the company's strategic and operational thinking. Efforts should constantly be made to improve the working capital position. This will yield greater efficiencies and improve customer satisfaction.

How to Improve Working Capital Management

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at .95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners” to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

See Also : Motivational Techniques Management Concept Style

Be a King: Golden Empire

Be a King: Golden Empire

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Be a King: Golden Empire

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Defend your kingdom from raiders in Be a King 3: Golden Empire! Rebuild cities to their former glory, feed the poor and protect them from raids by bandits. Rule with your strong hand and raise a powerful empire. Complete different objectives and enjoy the medieval atmosphere as you experience the life of a king. Stop the evil monsters and raiders before it's too late in Be a King 3: Golden Empire!
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No Time to Clean! How to Reduce & Prevent Cleaning the Professional Way by Don Aslett

Don Aslett is THE guru when it comes to cleaning. His books on cleaning, time management and "decluttering" are as enormously popular as they are entertaining and educational. (I also really like his books on other topics too). "No Time To Clean! How To Reduce & Prevent Cleaning The Professional Way" is Aslett's new approach to cleaning for a new day.

The book is written in Aslett's easy to read and entertaining style and is accompanied by the artwork many of his texts are know for. I personally find the style, layout, and artwork enhance the reading experience, but make no mistake about it; Aslett's books contain a lot of meat with that sizzle. His down home practical advice is right to the point.

How To Time Management

This book on cleaning is just under 200 pages long and contains 10 chapters. They include:

Intro: No Time To Clean! Aslett knows you don't have time to clean, so he points out that he will show you how to prevent cleaning as well as other strategies to solve your "no time to clean" worries.

One: Modern Cleaning's Biggest Mystery: The Time to Do It. Three page chapter with the focus of if you are cleaning more than a couple of hours a week, you are cleaning too much or inefficiently. Quick motivation to get started now!

Two: Adjusting Our Standards and Schedules. If it isn't dirty, don't clean it. Among the great tips in this chapter include advice on how clean things really need to be and how to set standards rather than cleaning by charts or schedules.

Three: Cleaning on the Run. Aslett shares some "whys" regarding cleaning and some tips on doing things before they become bigger. You might also be surprised at what you can get done in a very short amount of time, and the chapter shows you how to clean faster and ways to make things stay clean longer.

Four: The Best Way of All to Cut Cleaning: Prevent It! This chapter is all about preventing those down-the-road problems. Aslett provides some great suggestions on how to do just that.

Five: Too Much = Too Much Time Cleaning. Aslett is known for getting rid of junk. This is a very short chapter because he focuses on this topic in several other books. "Clutter's Last Stand" and his other clutter books are great if you need more help with clutter.

Six: Do Your Housework With a Hammer. This is an interesting chapter on designing your house, or parts of it, to make it easier to clean.

Seven: Other Hands That Can Help. If you are going to hire others to help you clean, you will benefit from reading this chapter first. Aslett provides some good advice regarding getting others to help with your cleaning needs.

Eight: The Big One: Getting Kids to Help Clean. Aslett suggests this might be the most important topic in the book. Besides the help you get cleaning your home, it will help young people late in life. He has some very good suggestions for getting kids to help out.

Nine: Quick Cleaning Room by Room. Tips and strategies for cleaning every room in the house as well as the garage and outside. Just implementing some of these would make a big difference.

Ten: Quick Cleaning Guide. This "guide" is 68 pages long and covers a ton of professional cleaning tips from dusting to pet messes. If you want to clean like the professionals and get more done in less time, Aslett shows you how.

Face it, cleaning is a big pain. It's one of the necessary evils. We have to do it, but none of us really enjoy it. (well... maybe a few do...) Cleaning is not a topic that you leisurely read about either. So pick up this book, read it (it won't take long) and implement the advice so you can clean more in less time and then get on with the better things in your life, after all that's what living is about. Highly recommend if you want to clean faster, better, and cheaper.

No Time to Clean! How to Reduce & Prevent Cleaning the Professional Way by Don Aslett

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a performance and personal development expert who teaches how to live, take action, and get things done through the Warrior's Edge. Alain combines his military, martial art, and Asian experiences with his business, law, and conflict resolution education into a powerful way of living with balance, honor, and integrity. He teaches how to use the Warrior's Edge to Take Action and Achieve Remarkable Results. Alain is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From The School Of Hard Knocks, the DVDs Hapkido Hoshinsul, Streetfighting Essentials, Hapkido Cane, the Lock On Joint Locking series, and numerous articles and reviews. You can read more articles and reviews and see clips of his DVDs as well as much more at

Recommend : Motivational Techniques

Network Marketing - How to Identify a Good Management Team

In network marketing, the CEO is the first person to check out in the management team. Talk to him or her if you can. Look at his or her past marketing, corporate, and educational experience. The CEO is the captain of the ship. You want someone who can help you get to a great financial destination smoothly and quickly.

Learn the answers to these questions when you meet the CEO or the CEO's management team:

How To Time Management

1). Is he or she honest and fair?

2). Does he or she have commitment to and vision or building a business to last a lifetime?

3). How much of the company does he or she own?

4). Does he or she have a long-term vision?

5). Is he or she a delegator or an on-the-job leader?

6). Can you talk to the CEO at all? (If not, be cautious.)

Look at the corporate management team. This is the supporting cast that helps guide the captain. These people are the first and second mate, the boatswain, the chief engineer, etc. These are the people who make it happen for the captain - and for you. Check the VPs' and managers' backgrounds. Look for how much marketing experience in the direct sales industry they had before they joined this organization. Will they be hands on with you and your distributor force?

You need to do all this checking because you are making one of the biggest business decisions of your life. You will be investing time, money, contacts, your reputation, and your personal effort in this business. If you believe it was smart to spend quality time looking for your mate, first home, new car, or new job, the same focus needs to be placed on this decision. Your job is to sift through a lot of dirt to find your gold nugget. That gold nugget is the company that will provide you with a residual income forever. Because I did that kind of research, I joined a business that has helped thousands of average working individuals make extra monthly part-time income.

As we know, 90 percent of all personal bankruptcies would never happen if that person had an extra 0 a month. The difference between good living and disaster really can be that small! If you pick the right company, you can be responsible for training hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of people who some day will begin making extra income forever. You can be one of them.

Network Marketing - How to Identify a Good Management Team

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Tags : Management Concept Style

How to Use Time Management to Become a More Successful Sales Professional!

Time is Life

Each day comes with a package of 24 hours, distributed to all equally. It is up to us to make the most of the 24 hours in each day that are given to all of us. There is so much to do and so little time is the common complaint these days. Within these 24 hours we have to work, sleep, take care of our body and mind, look after our families, pursue our hobbies, and keep our mothers-in-law in good humor. We have to utilize these hours to grow, produce, and progress by managing time properly. Managing the fixed quota 24 hours effectively leads to fulfilling all our responsibilities and enhances our quality of life personally and professionally. When managed properly time yields the highest returns on energy invested.

How To Time Management

For sales professionals time is money. They do not get paid in terms of the numbers of hours worked - to "punch a clock". They are paid to produce results - sales results via sales numbers. So it's imperative that sales professionals should manage their time properly and make the most of it. Time management is a critical skill for professional happiness. On it hinges your income, your home, all your dreams, and aspirations. Remember, you can't manage time; all you can do is manage yourself with respect to time.

Managing Time

The art of managing time is based on a few simple and proven techniques. Only with practice can it become an ingrained habit that can produce amazing sales results.

o Get Organized: Getting organized is the first step towards managing time effectively. Highly successful sales people have their calendars chalked out for a year in advance. Create an organizer and schedule your tasks according to your top sales priorities. List the things to do. Minutes make an hour, so enter your plans to do things to the tiniest minute. Three minutes to scan the headlines should mean three minutes and not a minute more. Also prepare a log book of time spent on daily activities. Maintain the log book religiously and enter activities of each day before bed time. Do a weekly review of this to find out where you are spending/wasting your time and apportion that extra time to something worthwhile. Weed out unproductive activities.

o Visualize your action plan for the full day. Do it after the morning work out or the previous evening.

o Delegate tasks to others to save time. Things that can be done by your assistant, subordinates, family, or others should be handed over to them. Compensate and praise them well and they will feel good about being entrusted with the responsibilities of completing a task as well as earning something extra.

o Do not procrastinate. It is the biggest time stealer. Finish off things as and when scheduled. If possible "beat deadlines, do not just try to meet them".

o Some sales executives take up the easy jobs first and keep the most difficult ones towards the end. Tackle the difficult tasks first. You may require accomplishing one or two easy tasks to warm up. That's perfect. But then you should target the difficult jobs. You will be amazed how fast they get done when taken head on. Then you will have plenty of time for easier tasks.

o Staying clear of negative thoughts and negative people is a huge time saver. Both can sap energy, reduce productivity, and consume a lot of time. Once you slip into the whirlpool of negative thoughts it will take considerable time to snap out of it. It's absolutely necessary to entertain only positive and good thoughts. Also it's advisable to shun the company of negative people and mingle with positive and optimistic people. Steer clear of negative thoughts and stay positive.

Use your down or wait times creatively. As a sales professional, you probably spend a lot of time in your car in traffic getting to your next appointment. Why not take this time to make phone calls to your prospects We all wait at traffic lights, wait to meet managers, wait to get food served, wait for our secretary to finish preparing the report, wait in lines to pay bills etc. Utilize these times creatively to aid in enhancing your sales productivity

o The above time saving tips are based more on common sense. There are other time saving and productivity enhancing tips that are backed by solid research as well.

o Analysis of revenue growth curves of successful sales professionals reveal that it's not important how much total time they spend on sales activities rather than how they allot their time. Super sales people from financially high performing companies working for high incentives and stock options allot 40% more time to their best potential customers and spend an additional 3-4 hours on high-value sales activities than their counterparts do in financially low performing companies. A survey conducted by Watson Wyatt of 841 sales people from 500 companies with large sales forces has established this. Sales reps at successful companies dwell more on identifying customer needs and spend more time with the leads that they know.

o The survey also establishes that high sales performers spend less time on administrative work - 30% less than the low performers. Administrative work should be delegated to administrative staff, the secretary, or should be kept to a minimum. The best sales people do all non-related sales activities between 6-8am and 6-8pm. 8am-5pm is defined as prime selling time to get "belly-to-belly" with a decision-maker.

Timing is Everything

In sales timing is everything - at what time to make a sales call, at what time to make a presentation, when to talk, when to listen, and when to close a sale. It may not require the precision of a Scientist, but nevertheless it requires a proper sense of timing. A super sales person knows that there is an appropriate time to meet the CEO of a company when he or she would be in a relaxed and receptive mood. Also there is an appropriate time to close a sale without allowing it to linger.

There is a time for everything. There is a time to work and a time to rest as there is a time to talk and a time to remain silent. This is the essence of time management. Wise sales people know this and know this well.

How to Use Time Management to Become a More Successful Sales Professional!

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of The Sales Coaching Institute., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training for sales and sales management, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

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How to Control Anger Outbursts - Time Tested Ways to Help You in Almost Every Situation

Are you sick of feeling awful after you have had an anger outburst? Are you ready to get rid of that feeling of regret? If you take some or all of the steps that I'm about to describe to heart and really put them to work you should be able to control your anger outbursts and start feeling better about yourself and the rest of your life.

The first thing you need to do is train yourself to walk away. Walking away will give you some cooling off time. You will then be able to figure out if your anger is justified and whether what just happened to you will mean anything to you tomorrow. Eighty percent of the time what happened will not make a difference and you'll be able to forgive and move on.

How To Time Management

Once you have decided that you need to do something about the situation, you will need to decide how you are going to handle it. If you are angry because someone said you were wrong about something, find the answer. If you were wrong, then apologize for blowing up over something you were wrong about and if you were right, do not rub it in the other person's face. Instead apologize for acting the way you did and present the correct answer in a thoughtful way without accusing the other person of being stupid or anything like that.

If you find that your outbursts usually happen when you are put in a certain situation, then you should try avoiding those situations. For example, if you are predisposed to road rage then maybe try leaving for work a half hour earlier to avoid heavy traffic. In my case, I find that I tend to be more prone to anger outbursts when I'm in large crowds so I try to avoid them at all costs. I can't always avoid crowds, but the event better be pretty special for me to expose myself to crowds and a possible outburst.

One last thing you will want to try to do is have a hobby or project that you enjoy or have been putting off set aside for you if you feel yourself ready to blow up. If it's a hobby that you enjoy you will have something to look forward to when you walk away from a situation and if it's a project you will be able to put all of your energy into the project that you've been putting off for months. Before you know it the project will be done and you will be so proud of the fact that you have finally accomplished it that you will hopefully have forgotten what you were angry about.

How to Control Anger Outbursts - Time Tested Ways to Help You in Almost Every Situation

While you may not be able to use all of the tips in this article to control anger outbursts, you should be able to put one to good use in almost everything situation. Using these tips will help you with everyday instances, but there are many other steps to be taken to really get a handle on anger issues and start using your angry energy for good things. The report that is found at really helped me deal with my anger and get back on the right track. I think it would help you out as well.

Tags : Motivational Techniques

7 Time Management Activities For High School Students

Preparing a time management schedule is similar to preparing a budget. As the purpose of your budget is to streamline your finance, time management helps you to allot proper time.

Time is money for many people. This is well known in Business. The longer the time spent on a Business venture the more the expenditure incurred. Unproductive waste of time is not compensated to the employee by the Organization. Importance is given to persons who do the work in a specific time and manner.

Various teachers assign different tasks to the students not considering the time available. It is up to the students to complete the different tasks with the given period of time.

At the same time we need time to relax and enjoy our youth.

How To Time Management

Given below are a few tips to help you achieve the set a goal with regularized well set time table.

1. Write down the activities of the following week. Mention the activities to be executed and the time usually spent in completing the activities and the duration of the activities. Give priorities according to your desire and ensure that the time is evenly budgeted. Remember to put on record the times you have nothing to do or relaxing.

2. Plan your time then analyze the points given below.

- What are your observations?

- Were you able to finish the task within the allotted deadline? For example, have you completed your homework?

- Apart from school activities did you do things that were of interest to you?

- At home did you complete your duties?

- Are you still able to spend time with your friends?

- Think of the activities you would like to do but have no time for it

After answering the questions given above make plans to effectively manage the available time

3. Search for more relevant information through the internet. There is plenty of information to improve your time management.

4. Prepare or select a time table to suit your time and make a schedule for the week ahead Create time for your leisure and other activities is reasonable in your anticipation. Execute your schedule for the next one week. And precisely document each activity.

5. Time table prepared by should be known to your classmates. Time table of your classmates can be compared with yours and evaluated. On comparison learn the positive side and find out how it works.

6. Change is the betterment of a person's life which is permanent. What are the things done in our leisure time may change in the coming six to one year. Games that we join in the winter will definitely once the season is over.

Any school theatrical presentation or activity will make one even busier before the day of the show than the beginning of the practice sessions.

Look the future that lies ahead of you before other things. What will be your schedule for the year that lies ahead of you? Select the dates on the schedule and make a calendar which you should follow.

7. Plan your time for the following five weeks. Put in any modifications that you surely expect to arise due to leisure activities or some events that crop up because of their peak time or season. Make use of the schedule and write down the remarks at the end of the fifth week.

How do you think it was? Take things positively and make sure that everything is scheduled or look further on for other resources.

Students in high school will surely have a very busy time for playing and studying. However busy the schedule is, it is very important to have a correct management of time so that we may proceed in the right direction.

7 Time Management Activities For High School Students

Abhishek is a Time-Management expert and he has got some great Time Management Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 62 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Highly Effective Time Manager!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Tags : How to time management The Global Marketing Management Concept Style

What Is Time Management? - Business Software

Time Management is the process of controlling, understanding and planning how much time is spent on different activities in an organization.

Time Management is used in different situations to make it possible to increase efficiency as well as to understand how much time that has really been spent on different activities.

There are different purposes in controlling time spent for activities. Some companies use it to be able to understand what people are really doing during the day. This can sometimes be important to make sure that time is spent on the right things. It is also vital information to have as base for making the business more efficient in different areas.

How To Time Management

But, time management is also important in areas where you invoice work that has been done for customers. Without having the information on how much time you have spent it will be impossible to invoice the correct amount of money.

There are different kinds of time management software that helps in tracking time spent on different activities. Some of them are specific to only collecting time and are mostly known as either time management software or time tracking software. However, since time is recorded in so many different areas of the organization, time management is also included in software providing other services, such as project management software, issue tracking software, etc.

Being aware of the amount of time certain activities take will not only make it possible for a company to understand what the personnel are doing during the days. Besides having an understanding for possibilities to improve efficiency the information is invaluable for planning of future activities, especially when initiating a new project. By having information about how long an activity usually takes project planning will be much easier. The more times you have performed the activities, the better accuracy in planning.

To be able to manage time in a good way it is important to have time management software that is not too advanced to use for the personnel. The more advanced and the more time it takes to enter the time the less willing your personnel will be to enter the time. This will result in inaccurate information about how long time activities took since they tend to add less activities and group activities into one.

You also use time management to be able to allocate resources. This is usually the step after the planning phase and before the work is about to be done. The allocation is needed to be able to make sure resources are used the most efficient way. This is especially important with key people who are needed in different units of the organization. Since these resources might be needed in different places it will be very hard to not allocate them to ensure that the work will be done on time. One way of understanding allocation the best way is to think of booking of a conference room. If the room is not booked ahead there is a big chance that more groups of people wants to use it at the same time.

There are different approaches to time recording.

Some companies use time management software where you enter the activities using your own description without categorizing. This kind of software will mostly be used to control what has been done by personnel and is not that good as base information for future work.

Another way of recording time is by having some predefined activities that you can enter time for. You put in how much time you spent on something but may in some systems also enter how much time you believe that is left until the activity is done. The second part is not as commonly used since it also takes time to predict and think through what is left to be done. The activities can also be defined in hierarchy, having parent activities to be able to gather information in a more structured way. An example can be to have a parent category called Meetings and then have sub-activities for the specific meetings.

The third way, which is a new idea of time management, is to record deviations from a predicted value. This is a way to make time recording more efficient. If there are 15 people attending a meeting that is set to 1 hour, it would be very inefficient to have all 15 people report the 1 hour meeting. If the meeting took 1.5 hours instead, this can easily be changed by the person responsible of the meeting. By having one person doing this instead of 15 the time reporting will take much less time and more useful. The same works in projects. By having project activities predefined you will be able to confirm the time instead of filling in the time spent yourself.

Some help desk software, task tracking software, service desk software and call centre management can automatically record time while working on a task. The recording starts a clock when you open the task and then stops the clock when you close the task.

There are several ways of keeping track of how much time is spent on activities in the organization. Using reports to bring out the information you want in the right way is the key to most time management.

Before implementing time management in your organization you should think about what you want to do with the information. Sometimes you believe that time management will be a solution to a lot, for example controlling what your personnel is doing during the days. But there are sometimes other solutions that should be used in these cases, for example manager coaching to give them tools to help the employees be more efficient.

What Is Time Management? - Business Software

Mattias Lind is CEO at Ltd, The B2B Market Place for Business Software that includes business software for numerous categories and offers the possibility for purchasers to find software and also compare software that suits their company the best.

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Where To Get Time Management Tools For Teacher

In the teaching industry, all teachers from childcare teachers all the way professors of university have very busy schedules. They have many kids to attend to, also have different subjects to share in the classroom. There are many different plans of matters that are made throughout the day and a busy agenda to manage as well.

What is needed to help hectic teachers out

How To Time Management

Implementing a specific plan that caters to time management for teachers to enable to help a teacher's busy schedule. Time management is crucial if you want to get through every subject you have in your teaching day. Use time management in your curriculum so as to help in your teaching skills.

With the aid of a "time management for teachers" plan, the teacher can see where they can seize out certain things into the agenda. A lot of the work that a teacher does goes into preparations for classes and in checking papers and quizzes. If you are a teacher and you feel that you have too much work on your hands, it is usually a exact case of needing some help with time management.

In-class, a teacher must also control their time and that of their students. For example, having a good sense of how much time each homework will take the students to do is important - you cannot expect them to work at your pace. In fact, what you might fret over as time wasted could be a bonus for you as you could use that time to get through those 'administrative' tasks that you tend to take home.

I hope you will know by now that time management for teachers is no difference than having time management in itself - you have to search out time wasters, prioritize your work and fill in those time slots with short projects to make the maximum usage of your time.

What is the key to any successful profession

Organization is this key.

A time management for teachers program will also help the children how everything happens in order. Even so, that our children are spending most of the time with their teachers.

Teaching time management lessons to the children is simply great as it allows them to do their homework more effectively. Frequently, teachers would give tips and plans to their students just like he or she would do for himself or herself. This is a great part of having teachers take advantage of this training - they can then impart those skills to their students as well.

The teacher's goals is to get the entire work completed before the end of the year. With this management course, she can easily achieve this goal.

Children may getting smarter when their teachers make up their mind to use this tool on them. Being organized is the only way this task can really be accomplished. Especially if the teacher has a lot of information to keep track of.

On the internet, you can simply download a this program for teachers and get started with your new goals and strategies today for your students.

This program will give you more flexibility throughout your day. This will explanation of having more time for yourself or those assignments that needs to be done. Make sure that as you are particular about taking out special time for work, that you make the same sort of efforts for taking out time for yourself and your career.

Where To Get Time Management Tools For Teacher

Eddy K Elgin is the webmaster of the Good Reference To Effective Time Management Tactics. Drop by at Where Teachers Can Find Free Time Management Program for more details.

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How To Best Manage Resources In Project Management

The general features of a project management software include scheduling, costing, budgeting, controlling, management and communication. However an important function of any project management solution is resource management. This covers all types of resources including human, equipment, materials and costs.

Nowadays businesses can work efficiently only by managing resources. With materials and costs things are pretty easy: you buy a stock and it is yours. Human resource management is not the same. You can not just own a human resource, but need to retain one. With the help of a resource management software, project managers can make sure that the right human resources are working on the right tasks and following a real-time project timeline. This is achieved based on several factors like employee's skills, experience, and availability.

How To Time Management

Resource planning software - must have features In today's global economy, when projects are spread across multiple regions or even countries it only makes sense that the right resources should make up a project team, regardless of their physical location. Even more project managers need to have powerful project planning tools capable of managing multiple projects with shared resources. At any moment in time they need to view resource availability and utilization even across multiple projects.

Tracking the time and costs using Time Sheets or Resource Sheets is one of the best solution. These tools contain data (total, actual, remaining, standard, overtime) related to the work and cost of the resources and their assignments. The data can be seen as totals or time distributed. As the project evolves the actual data represents the work/cost already consumed for the completed part of the project. The remaining data refers to the values needed for the remaining part of the project:

  • Assigned - the planned work resulted from assignments

  • Available - the unassigned work that can be done by resources according to their calendar

  • Capacity - the total work (assigned + available) that can be done by resources according to their calendar

  • Actual - the work already performed according to the completed part of the project

  • Remaining - the work to be performed to complete the unfinished part of the project

  • Standard - the work paid at standard rate (planned in the working hours of the resource)

  • Overtime - the work paid at overtime rate (planned beyond the regular working hours of the resource)

  • Overallocated - the work which can not be physically performed

An important feature that a resource planning software must have is the ability to handle multiple working calendars for different shifts and holidays. The capability to manage leaves, holidays, planned, unplanned work is necessary in relation to overtime work. It is a well known fact that overtime rates are always higher than standard ones and these should be avoided as much as possible in any project in order to not increase the costs and to fit in the estimated budget.

The possibility to have a time distributed sheet with different timescales is a big bonus. Sometimes it is needed to manage resource bookings in hours, days or even minutes. A flexible and dynamic timescale would do the trick. The system should also be very user friendly and easy to learn, allowing users to handle functionality with a minimum number of clicks.

How To Best Manage Resources In Project Management

An powerful resource management software can keep the overtime costs of a project as low as possible and thus can make the project management process more effective and finish the project on time and within budget. Such a project planning software is RationalPlan.

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Effective Time Management Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons

Effective Time Management

Effectively managing your time will enable you to work more efficiently and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of your company. As a manager, the use of your time is critical in order to carry out your many duties and responsibilities. This Origami Warrior Life Lessons - Basic Management Skill article on Time Management will enable you to become a more effective manager for yourself, and for your organization. You will learn how to better manage your time, which will help you achieve your overall goals.

How To Time Management

What Should You Expect We will not be able to explore every facet and component of time management. Rather, we will focus on the major principles of effective time management including planning and organizational skills, that apply to most situations. We will use only as much "theory" as needed to gain basic understanding of time management issues. Primarily, we will discuss what you can do to better manage your time

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, you will be able to:

1)    Understand the role that planning plays in time management.

2)    Understand how organizational skills can help you better manage your time.

3)    State how effective delegation, communication, and training can save you time in the long run.

4)    Implement specific techniques for better handling accumulating paperwork, crisis, and "overwhelming" projects.


This information is designed to do more than just give you information on time management. Rather, it is set up to teach you skills which you can apply in your day to day job. This will be accomplished by the use of exercises that require your involvement. Active participation will enable you to learn "what to do and how to do it" better than passively sitting back and being an observer. Keep this in mind as we proceed.

Managing Your Time


All time management begins with planning. Planning means thinking about what you want and how you are going to accomplish it; determining in advance what is to be done; and preparing for the future by making decisions now.

Defining Your Work Load

In order to plan your time; you must evaluate your work load. Although not a difficult task, it takes time to reflect upon your duties and responsibilities. Make time for this. It will save you time in the long run. Begin all new projects, responsibilities, or tasks with a planning session. Ask yourself:

o    What tasks need to be done.

o    When should they be completed.

o    Besides myself, who else will need to be involved, can this be delegated, if so to whom, etc.

o    How much time will each project require.

o    What part of my duties and responsibilities are fixed and routine.

o    What intermediate steps need to be completed.

Not only should new work begin with a planning session, but all on-going work needs to be reviewed, evaluated, and re-planned. Schedule planning time every day. Plan your day the first thing in the morning, as soon as you arrive at work or the previous day the last thing you do at work before leaving for home. When defining your work load, be aware of four points:

First, is the task really your responsibility? Don't fall into the trap of taking on others responsibilities. You may be able to route the task or project to those who are more responsible for it in the first place, thereby freeing up time for those tasks and projects you are definitely held responsible for. At the very least, you may be able to share the project with others, thereby splitting the work load in half. Channel projects to others who have responsibility for them by being appropriately assertive and using clear and concise communication. At times, compromise and negotiation may be needed to result in a collaborative effort on a project. Remember, your responsibilities come first and require the majority of your time.

Secondly, when defining your work load, ask whether you have "bitten off more than you can chew". It is entirely possible that you have a larger work load than any person can realistically handle in the available time. Push yourself hard, but if the quality of your work begins to decline in order for you to take on an additional quantity of work, then an unhealthy habit may be forming. The success of any company is built upon quality services, quality products, and quality management action. Do not ever allow this standard to decline as a shortcut to getting another task completed. It is your responsibility to communicate to your immediate supervisor if you assess that you have taken on more than any "mere mortal can handle". Planning includes knowing your limits, as well as problem solving, brainstorming, and communicating when those limits have been exceeded.  Be the first to ask for help, a true sign of strength not weakness.

Thirdly, be realistic when estimating the time it will take you to complete each of your responsibilities or projects. Effective planning is built upon reality. Underestimating the time required to do a task may result in disrupting other people's time schedule when you are not able to deliver as you had estimated. Consequently, it will be a poor reflection upon you. Similarly, overestimating the time it will take you to complete a project is poor practice. Although it may appear to make you look more efficient, it can also disrupt others who are not ready to receive your report or completed task at the unexpected earlier time. As a result, your prematurely completed work may "sit around" until others are ready for it. Proper planning requires accurate and realistic time estimates.

Lastly, proper planning also includes the planning of lunch, breaks, and personal events. It has long been recognized that total, sustained, and intense focus on high pressure tasks and responsibilities can lead to stress and deterioration of one's working capacity. It is your responsibility to plan appropriate action to prevent yourself from becoming "burnt-out". It is legitimate to plan a lunch. Breaks can be interspersed within long periods of intense concentration. Planning for these events are carried out with the same legitimacy and in the same manner as other important duties and responsibilities.

Time Management Worksheet 1

Defining Your Work Load

Choose an objective on your current Performance Appraisal Review form. With it in mind, answer the following questions.  

1. Briefly, what project, activity, or program are you currently doing to help you attain the objective? 

2. What is the deadline for completing the project, activity, or program? 

3. Roughly estimate how many uninterrupted work hours it will take you to achieve the project, activity, or program. How long with interruptions? 

4. List the names of people you will need to involve or meet with in order to successfully complete the project, activity, or program. 

5. Will completing the project, activity, or program require you to perform fixed and routine duties on a weekly or daily basis. What are these duties? 

Objectives and Goals

Planning should naturally result in goals or objectives. A goal or objective is simply a task we desire to accomplish. Goals direct our behavior. They help us follow a straight-line path to our ultimate objective. They prevent us from being like leaves being blown helplessly in the wind. Goals play a major role in helping us decide how to manage our time. All actions that help us accomplish our goals warrants our time. All actions that do not help us achieve our goals, are a waste of our time.

Many of your objectives or long term goals are identified by the Objective Setting and Performance Appraisal Review System. Often, these objectives are too broad in scope to strive for "all at once". Objectives or long term goals need to be broken down into intermediate goals. Intermediate goals need to be broken down into goals that can be attained in one week. Finally, you can set a goal for each day of the week that, when completed, will result in the achievement of the weekly goal. It is the completion of many very small goals on a daily basis that result in the completion of a performance appraisal review objective.

Planning and setting goals result in more efficient time management when several conditions are met. These rules of goal setting will automatically force you to make better use of your time.

o        Set goals once a day: either first thing in the morning or for the following day, last thing before going home.     Set the goals one day at a time, keeping in mind what you want to accomplish by the end of the week

o        Daily goals should be specific. What, where, when, and with whom should be included.

o        Daily goals should be attainable. Make it reasonable and realistic. There should be a very good chance of accomplishing it.

o        If involving others, the goal should be mutually developed. This does not need to be complicated. For example, state "...then we agree that at the conclusion of this meeting, we will have made decisions on the following four issues".    

o        Good goals should be measurable. Although you  may not always want to record the progress you made toward your goal; the point is, if you wanted to - you could.

o                The best use of your time each day is in accomplishing your daily goals set that morning (or the previous evening).    

Time Management Worksheet 2

Developing Monthly and Daily Goals

Using the same objective that you used for Worksheet 1, develop goals for meeting the objective by answering the following questions.

1.         "Break-down" the objective into its major parts. 

2.     Take one major part of the objective identified in Question 1, and "break it down" further by listing three tasks that must be accomplished in order to achieve the major part of the objective.

    Task 1:

    Task 2:

    Task 3: 

3.    Write a goal to correspond to each identified task listed in Question 2 above, using the format presented.

Goal I:

I need to (what):________________________________________________________________________________ 

By (date):______________________________________________________________________________

I may need to involve (who):________________________________________________________________________________ 

Is this goal attainable?____________________________________________________________________________

I may need to divide this goal into the following sub-goals:




Progress toward attaining this goal can be measured by:    



Goal 2:

I need to (what):________________________________________________________________________________

By (date):______________________________________________________________________________

I may need to involve (who):________________________________________________________________________________ 

Is this goal attainable:_____________________________________________________________________________ 

I may need to divide this goal into the following sub-goals:




Progress toward attaining this goal can be measured by:


Goal 3:

I need to (what):________________________________________________________________________________

By (date):______________________________________________________________________________ may need to involve (who):_________________________________________________________________________________ 

Is this goal attainable:______________________________________________________________________________ 

I may need to divide this goal into the following sub-goals:




Progress toward attaining this goal can be measured by:


Time Management Worksheet 3

Reasons Why Plans Often Fail

Think of a major objective, in which you were involved, that did not "come off" as planned. Briefly jot down the plan to reach the objective. 

Place a check by the main reasons why the plan failed.

1.    ______Feasibility of the specific details of the plan was not assessed at every level.             

2.    ______Plan was "unrealistic".                                       

3.    ______Objectives for the plan were not clear or specific.                            

4.    ______Key people were not involved before the plan was finalized.                        

5.   ______ Assumptions were made, but not checked out, about critical elements of the plan, availability of           essential supplies, items needed and when to be delivered, manpower, etc.                      

6.    ______Plan was idealistic; too "tight"; too little room or margin for error or "trouble-shooting".        

7.    ______Plan created a high degree of friction and resistance in people which was either not anticipated          or not explored by consulting them-so they failed to give essential cooperation required for  successful         implementation of the plan.                                    

8.    ______Planning was started only after problem was acute and "a crisis".

9.    ______You thought planning takes too much time - Let's have action!                       

10.  ______Parameters within which planning was done was not fully understood (such as budget limitation,      availability of key people, etc).                                        

11.    _____Objectives and plan details were not communicated properly to all who were to be involved in              the planning as well as the implementation.                                    

12. ______Planners failed to familiarize themselves with the situation within which planning had to be done.        

13. ______Failure to get all pertinent facts necessary for success of the plan.                   

14. ______Failure to consider alternative plans and options.                                

15. ______Failure to plan for the training of people to implement a plan.                        

16. ______Failure to plan for the delegation of parts of the plan.                            

17. ______Failure to anticipate trouble and establish mechanisms for "re-planning" and/or contingency plans.       No mechanisms for monitoring or controls.                               

18. ______Failure to allocate sufficient time to "get the job done right".                   


Planning is not complete without organization. Proper organization insures that plans are carried out, goals are attained, and your time is used most efficiently. Two factors of organization that must be considered are prioritizing and scheduling.


Prioritizing simply means ranking a list of items according to their importance. The most important item becomes the highest priority and automatically becomes the first item to be worked on. The second priority is second in importance and becomes the next item to be focused on after the first priority is completed.

One good way to think of priorities is in association to poker chips. As you recall from poker, three colors of chips are frequently employed. Blue chips are usually worth a lot of money each, and are, therefore, the most important. With blue chips, the stakes are high, a loss of a blue chip is a failure; achieving one is success.

Red chips are not as important as blue chips but cannot be ignored. You need to be concerned with them, but only after attending to your blue chips. The loss or gain of one red chip does not bring failure or success but the loss or gain of many red chips can add up to failure or success.

Lastly, there is a white chip. The white chip is not nearly as important as the blue or red chips. Failing to achieve white chips does not worry you. Sometimes, in fact, you will need to purposely sacrifice white chips in order to achieve a blue or red chip.

In terms of priorities, all blue chip goals are top priority; all red chip goals are medium in priority and all white chip goals are low in priority. You can have several goals as one color chip. The point you must realize is that not all of your goals are blue chip goals. In fact, many of your goals are only red or even white chip goals.

All of your objectives on the Objective Setting - Performance Appraisal form are blue chip. Your weekly and even daily goals are just the many elements that go into accomplishing these larger objectives. On any given week, you will have some blue chip, red chip, and white chip goals. Every day when you plan your goals, some of the daily things you want to accomplish will have blue chip status. others will have red chip status; and many will have white chip status.

When you make your daily goals in your daily planning session, prioritize them. Always prioritize goals when you develop them: prioritize on a daily basis. A red chip goal on Wednesday which hasn't been accomplished can easily become a blue chip item on Thursday.

Use your judgement when determining if your daily goals are blue, red, or white chip. Consider the following:

o    the importance of the project.

o    deadlines.

o    how important your immediate supervisor considers this project (very important).

o    accessibility of other people or equipment.

o    the sequence of one part of the project to other parts of the project.

To get a feel for the importance of a project, ask yourself, "What would happen if I didn't do it?" If the consequences are minor, the project is probably a white chip project. If the consequences affect the profitability of the company, it is a blue chip project.

Now that you have prioritized, there are two rules to follow to insure proper allocation of your time:

1.    Spend most of your time each day on a blue chip goal, some of your time on a red chip goal that support blue chip goals, and little, if any, of your time on a white chip goal.

2.    Always start your day working on a blue chip goal. Also devote much of your spare time or "in-between time" to work on a blue chip goal. When you return from lunch, work on a blue chip goal. If you have 10 minutes before a meeting, spend this time working on a blue chip goal. Always work on your blue chip goals first. Spending 10 minutes working on a blue chip goal is always preferable to totally completing one white chip goal.

Time Management Worksheet 4

Write "Blue", "Red", or "White" in the space provided depending on the item's priority.

1. ______Meeting your number one performance appraisal objective.

2. ______Reading a trade magazine.

3. ______Completing a mostly finished report for you boss which is due tomorrow.

4. ______Completing a mostly finished report for your boss which is due in two weeks.

5. ______Responding to a dissatisfied customer.

6. ______Obtaining supplies for your desk.

7. ______Holding a meeting with your subordinartes to update them on recent events.

8. ______Working on a procedure that can directly increase the profitability of the company.

9. ______Making a phone call to get information you need for a project you are involved in.

10.______Filling out paperwork that is required but not due until next week.

Prioritize some of your monthly current activities under blue, red, or white chip status.  
















Go back and priortize activities under each of the blue and red chip headings by numbering them from top blue chip priority to bottom blue chip priority, and top red chip priority to bottom red chip priority. Simply prioritize each of the lists.


Scheduling is a key component of being organized. Following are simple, yet proven techniques to help you manage your time better.

Use a Calendar

A calendar which shows the entire month at a glance is better than one which shows one day at a time. By seeing how all of your obligations are being arranged for an entire month, you can obtain a "bigger picture" of the time requirements you will need to reserve for these events. You will also be able to better plan for week to week by seeing what pressing needs you have later in the month.

Appointments, meetings, deadlines, and special events should all be marked on a calendar. In addition, reserve a couple hours each day to be devoted exclusively to your top blue chip goal. Try marking a "warning" on your calendar: for example, you might write: Warning, project _________________ should be one-half completed today.

Use a Daily "To Do" List

Many people write out a list of things they hope to accomplish. This is an established time management tool. The daily "to do" list should include the goals that you developed in your daily planning session. As mentioned under goal setting, make sure your daily goals are attainable, specific, etc. After completing the list, go back over the list and indicate which of your daily goals have blue chip, red chip, or white chip status.

If you already have been using a daily "to do" list, use it more effectively by remembering the following points:

o    Make only one list; trying to coordinate and act upon many lists at once can quickly become confusing.

o    Put a rough estimate of time needed to complete each item on your list. If the total time to complete all the items on your list is approaching eight hours, your list of daily goals is too long. Remember, make sure the goals you set for each day are realistically attainable.

o    Always start with your top priority and devote the most time to it.

o    Start a new "to do" List each day in your planning session. Don't just keep adding to yesterday's unaccomplished goals.

o    Do not load up the list so that every moment of your day is allocated. This is the biggest mistake people make in using a "to do" list. Most people know that they will be interrupted through out the day. Plan for it. "Pad" scheduled events by reserving more time. Allow time for handling unexpected crises. Remain flexible.

Spending 10 minutes on a blue chip project is better than totally completing one white chip item. Never spend time on less important items when you could be spending your time on more important events. Your emphasis should not be on how many items you cross off your "to do" list each day, rather, it should be on accomplishing high priority items( i.e. blue chips, then red chips, etc.)

Set priorities and set yourself free, you will get more done and it will be the most important things needing to be done. 

Effective Time Management Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons

Chuck Ainsworth, aka The Origami Warrior is a visionary writer who enjoys learning new topics and putting them into easy to understand terms. He brings 30 plus years of Senior Management experience and provides the insights needed to help others reach peak performance by improving their basic Management and Leadership Skills. He is CEO of Ainsworth Associates, Inc. He currently writes about topics he loves that include: Origami, Origami Warrior Wisdom, Motivation, Training, Management Skills Development, Leadership, Life Lessons, Core Values, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Life After Death - How To Overcome Life Changing Events and more.

A published author who loves family, pets, community. While he has spent much of his life traveling, he now enjoys a much simpler life, living in his home town on a small quiet private lake with his family. Follow his Origami Warrior Wisdom daily quotes on Twitter at to get my tweets and be sure to check out other Life Lessons at: and check out some cool origami weapons designs, origami products, origami diagrams, origami warrior life lesson on management/leadership and more.

See Also : Management Concept Style How to time management The Global Marketing